Journaling cards

Journaling cards

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Well, I'm not good about doing a blog without pictures of my work but I have not had time this weekend to work on them. By this being Tuesday (my Monday) morning and realizing that I did not touch a paint brush or a color pencil for the last 5 days is very depressing for me. But we had a wonderful weekend here - the weather was wonderful. I'm involved with The Exchange Club of Springfield which is a service organization that is 98 years old and 2 weeks ago we had our district convention in Sandusky and then this last weekend we were in the Memorial Day Parade - one of our service projects is 'Give A Kid A Flag' to instill patriotism in children - so we passed out over 2400 flags and that was on about 1/3 of the parade route - but it really was fun. I was stunned at how many adults wanted flags also. It is very heart warming to see how people love our country!

I'm working on a watercolor single Rose that should be done this week. For my upcoming show in July I need to focus on some smaller (8x10) pictures so that is my goal. I want to do this same rose in different colors. At the parade I had my camera with me, of course, you hardly ever find me with out one, and got some great shots of some horses (my favorite animal - next is dogs) so I'm hoping to attempt them. They were beautiful - a 4-H club - they had stenciled Stars on them and red/white & blue sparkley streamers one the tails. You never know when you are going to see something that might make a great painting!

I guess it looks like I'm getting the hang of this after all.

Have a great day everyone!!!!!!!


Mozi Esme said...

Handing out flags sounds like fun! Making smiles is a work of art in itself...


Thank you for your comment - this is exactly correct! It is very heart warming -
